Ag Technology Leadership Group


  • Communicate and represent North American technology requirements.
  • Work to achieve desired outcomes in the identified priority areas which may be disruptors or otherwise impact us and influence our future direction as agriculture equipment manufacturers and service providers.

2023 Priorities (in order of priority)

  1. Highspeed machine-to-implement connectivity
  2. Vehicle-to-vehicle communications
  3. Automation/autonomous
  4. Sharing of machine data
  5. Farm information data
  6. Broadband connectivity         
  7. Power


  • Committee leadership consists of a Chair elected by the committee to serve a two-year term along with a vice-chair. There are no term limits.


  • Up to 15 representatives whose companies are engaged in the technology space, including AEM Directors, Sector Board Directors and non-Director member executives and/or technology experts.
  • There are no term limits.


  • One to two face-to-face meetings each year with virtual meetings as required.
Group Leadership


Darryl R. Matthews


AEM Staff Contact

Austin Gellings

Director, Agriculture Services
