Happy New Year! There’s A Lot to Look Forward to in 2024



Welcome to 2024By Megan Tanel, AEM President —

Welcome to 2024! The new year brings with it an opportunity to build on past successes and continue to speak with one unified voice on behalf of our industry. The AEM staff is ready to support your business goals, help you take advantage of all that your membership has to offer, and advocate for pro-manufacturing policies during this important election year.

We have so much to look forward to in 2024, including these major events:

  • Commodity Classic – February 28-March 2 in Houston
  • World of Asphalt and AGG1 – March 25-27 in Nashville
  • Product Safety & Stewardship Conference – April 22-25 in Chicago
  • Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the National Mall – May 6-8, in Washington, D.C.
  • AEM Annual Conference – Nov. 13-15 in Palm Springs

What’s more, we will hit the road starting this summer as we launch the AEM Manufacturing Express and partner with our member companies to tell their stories, enhance public perceptions about equipment manufacturing, and engage with industry stakeholders. More information about this exciting initiative will be shared soon.

2024 will also see us develop and then launch a new strategic plan, continue to elevate our core services, and offer enhanced member engagement opportunities. After setting a record last year for our largest membership in our 125-plus-year history, we plan to build on that success and continue our positive momentum. Our full list of goals and priorities for 2024 can be found here.

We are going to accomplish so many great things this year with the help of our talented and driven staff and member company volunteers, as well as the support of the entire membership. Thank you for all you do to help AEM build positive momentum for our industry, accomplish our goals, and position us for a bright future.

If you have any questions about your AEM membership, please reach out to Paul Flemming at pflemming@aem.org, or contact your Account Success Advisor. And know that our staff is always interested in learning more about you, our members, and your businesses. If there’s an opportunity to join you at your facility for a tour, celebrate a milestone, or catch up when you’re in town in Milwaukee or DC, please reach out to your Account Success Advisor or me at mtanel@aem.org. We all learn so much from the interactions we have with you and your teams.

Here’s to a great 2024!

For more perspectives from AEM staff, subscribe to the AEM Industry Advisor. 

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